How to Change Your Manual Testing Time into Chiya Drinking Time

Artur Neumann

Have you ever thought: “oh man I have to push this hotfix to production but I don’t know what side effects it might have, and its already 3am in the morning, I should test the whole app, but it will take me 2 hours and I’m so tiered”? 🥱

What if you could let the computer do the hard and repetitive work? Manual testing can be often replaced by automated testing, and that makes quality assurance cheaper, more reliable and MORE FUN.

  • You wouldn’t need to be scared anymore of introducing regressions, the tests will protect you!
  • You finally could: “move fast, break things”, because every-time you break something the tests will catch it!
  • With automated tests you finally could work agile, because they provide super powers for developers! 🦸‍♀️

So let the computer do the hard work, you do what you are good at: drink chiya ☕ and hack code. 👩‍💻

