Without Sponsors, WordCamp Nepal will never happen. Thank you to all our sponsors who have supported this event and making it available to WordPress enthusiasts.
Interested in sponsoring WordCamp Nepal this year?
Check out our Call for Sponsors post for details on how you can help make this year’s WordCamp the best it can be!
Our Sponsors
Blurb thanking sponsors
Acclaim Technology

Acclaim Technology is an association of 7 different technology companies from Nepal. Our members Catch Themes and WEN Themes work on WordPress theme and plugin development; Catch Internet, Eagle Vision IT, and Web Experts Nepal provide all-around web solutions; WEN Solutions reviews themes, while the newly formed Theme Palace provides a curated marketplace for themes and plugins.
Together, we are a formidable team of designers, developers, programmers, marketers, and e-commerce experts who work together to provide solutions for all your technology needs.
AccessPress Themes

AccessPress Themes – is an online WordPress store, that creates beautiful and useful WP stuff. We have created number of free WP themes and plugins and given something useful and valuable to the awesome community!
Our freemium themes & plugins are crafted with our years of experience considering the maximum possible use cases and keeping a balance between feature-packed and simplicity. That’s the reason our themes / plugins are liked by many in a short time.
Find more about us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AccessPressThemes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apthemes
Styled Themes

Styled Themes builds more than just WordPress Themes. We build the positive user Experiences with great looking themes and we provide exceptional support to our customers. We believe in going beyond expectations and forever strive to make our themes the perfect solution for both personal and business users alike.
Styled Themes is always looking for exceptional people to join our team. To learn more about our products and open positions, email us at jobs@proshore.eu

Codeable, it all started back in 2012 when Per and Tomaž agreed on contributing a little extra to the WordPress community. Their aim was to build an outsourcing company, in which quality and customer service come first. They started by hiring exceptional WordPress developers and connecting them with people in need of on-demand website support. 3 years later, we are the #1 online outsourcing service for WordPress.

ThemeGrill was founded in February 2014 and in short period of time our WP products are able to get more than 1.3 million downloads. We love WordPress and we are here to provide you with professional looking WordPress themes and awesome plugins so that you can take your website one step ahead.
ThemeGrill is a young team. On average we all are 24 years old ranging from 19 to 27 years. At ThemeGrill, we do work not only in fun way but also help each other for independent development which we think is the key to success.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themegrill
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themegrill
One Page Lover

One Page Lover is a WordPress themes shop providing you with exquisite premium WordPress themes for both private and commercial usage. Their themes are produced by the hands warmed under years of expertise. The aim of OnePage Lover is to give best theme to satisfy the requirements of anyone. Building on fundamental values, ability, abilities and our expertise has made this business what it is now. A good source to get a strikingly lovely premium WordPress themes.
Creating themes that meet the requirements for just about any company, adored by any age, triumphs over time, isn’t only their business – it is what they love doing!
Rigorous Web Services

Rigorous Web Services is a software development company founded by young, innovative and energetic team of IT Specialist and Engineers specializing in Software Analysis, Software Development and Information System Management. We provide all levels of Development Solutions, System Analysis, Design and Development, Multimedia Solutions, E-commerce Solutions, CMS Customization, SEO Services, Mobile Applications, Desktop Applications and more.
Graph Paper Press

Graph Paper Press builds clean designs that get out of your way so your work can shine through. After all, simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. Using WordPress as our canvas, our designs are enjoyed by thousands of photographers, artists and small businesses around the world.
Today, Graph Paper Press focuses on creating graphically minimal, content-rich designs that provide your readers with multiple entry points to access your content. We are increasingly focused on helping visual artists, photographers, video, and new media producers present their work to the world. We are a geographically distributed team and are proud to call NYC our homebase.
Codewing Solutions

Codewing Solutions is a web service and digital marketing company. We started in 2013. Since then we have designed and developed several websites in WordPress. We believe in making beautiful websites, with flawless user experience and high conversation rate.
Rara Theme (http://raratheme.com/), which is a WordPress theme development company, is a child of Codewing Solutions.
We are a team of professional conversation rate experts, designers, developers, programmers and online marketers.
We love to do partnership with other companies and create awesome products. If you want to discuss about potential collaboration, please write to us at raushan@codewing.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codewing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/codewingHQ
Code Pixelz Media

Code Pixelz Media is a team that loves WordPress. Having worked in the field for some years, CodePixelz found love in the most amazing CMS ever. A team that is young, cheerful, pro-active and enthusiastic. At Code Pixelz Media every WordPress project that comes up is a new found love. Not limited to client’s projects, as a part of giving back to the community, they have started creating plugins and themes. Don’t forget to check their blog, facebook and twitter.
Outstanding Sponsor

Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites by connecting to WordPress.com. This connection enables Photon (global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look-and-feel of your site without needing extra plugins. More information can be found at jetpack.me
Splendid Sponsor

OnTheGoSystems is the author of WPML and Toolset plugins.
WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.
Toolset plugins allow you to develop WordPress sites without PHP. They work with any theme and with other plugins.
OnTheGoSystems is always looking for exceptional people to join the team. To learn more about our products and open positions, visit:
OnTheGoSystems WPML तथा टुलसेट प्लगइन्सको सर्जक हो ।
WPML ले वर्डप्रेस वेबसाइटलाई बहुभाषिक बनाउँछ । यो च्यासिङ, SEO तथा इ-कमर्स प्लगइन्ससँग सहकार्य गर्छ तथा यसले पूर्ण बहुभाषिक साइटहरूको निर्माण गर्ने अनुमति प्रदान गर्छ । WPML ले साना ब्लग तथा व्यवसायिक तथा संस्थागत साइटहरूलाई पनि सञ्चालन गर्न सक्छ ।
टुलसेट प्लगइन्सले तपाईंलाई PHP को प्रयोग नगरिकनै वर्डप्रेस साइट विकसित गर्ने अनुमति दिन्छ । यी प्लगइनहरू जुनसुकै थेम वा अरू प्लगइनहरूसँग सहकार्य गर्छन् ।
OnTheGoSystems सधैँ योग्य तथा प्रतिभावान् कर्मचारीको खोजीमा रहन्छ । हाम्रो उत्पादन तथा खुला पदहरूको बारेमा अधिक जानकारी लिन, निम्न वेबसाइटमा जानुहोस्: http://www.onthegosystems.com/
Superb Sponsor

Nearly as old as the Internet itself, GoDaddy was born to give people an easy, affordable way to get their ideas online. Today, we have more than 12 million customers around the world, but our goal is much the same. We’re here to help people easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. In short, to help them kick ass, online and off!
- Web: http://godaddy.com
- Twitter: @GoDaddy

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. You can join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.
Interested in sponsoring WordCamp this year?
Check out our Call for Sponsors post for details on how you can help make this year’s WordCamp the best it can be!