Leveraging Design Thinking to Elevate User Experience on WordPress Websites

WordPress’s wide spectrum of usage ranges from powering the most sophisticated websites like The New York Times to providing an easy-to-use digital presence for local small and medium-sized businesses all over the world. With countless options for ready-to-use themes and plugin libraries, WordPress is undoubtedly one of the best platforms for creating amazing websites. However, sometimes the same cookie-cutter design and functional restrictions imposed by WordPress themes and plugins can degrade the user experience of a website.
Every website caters to a unique audience and, hence, requires careful consideration and a user-centered approach for acing the architecture, design, and content that best match user needs. In this talk, we will discuss how we can use the base frameworks of Design Thinking, i.e., Empathetic User Research, Framing (and Re-Framing) User Problems, Ideation, Prototyping & Testing, and Periodic Modification to build an intuitive and functional website that matches user intent.

Shristi Shrestha

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