Raushan Jaiswal

Raushan Jaiswal

Raushan Jaiswal is the founder of Codewing Solutions, a web service and digital marketing company. He is also co-founder of Rara Themes, a theme development company.

He has been using WordPress since 2011 and is a big fan of WordPress’s simplicity! He was a volunteer in WordCamp 2012 and a speaker in WordCamp Nepal 2013.

He is also a blogger and regularly blogs at http://trekroute.com/ and http://publicspeakingresources.com/

Topic: 10 Useful WordPress Plugins for Bloggers
Raushan will talk about 10 different WordPress that are useful for bloggers. His talk would be from his personal experience with the plugins.

Target Audience: Bloggers, potentials bloggers, WordPress enthusiasts, WordPress Beginners